Dynamic evaluation of toe–heel and medio-lateral load distribution and hoof landing patterns in sound, unshod Standardbred horses with toed-in, toed-out and normal hoof conformation

Dynamic load distribution and landing patterns play an important role in equine orthopaedics. The aim of this study was to analyse dynamic load distribution and hoof landing patterns of sound Standardbreds. Twenty-four sound, unshod Standardbreds were walked and trotted over a pressure plate to obtain the peak vertical force (PVF), vertical impulse (VI) and stance time…
Evaluation of a novel, patient-mounted system for CT-guided needle navigation an ex vivo study

Purpose To describe the features of a novel patient-mounted system for CT-guided needle navigation, the Puncture Cube System (PCS), and to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the PCS by (a) applying numerical simulations and (b) by conducting punctures using the system in comparison to punctures using the free-hand method (FHM). Methods The PCS consists…